Presentation and project folder

9700-00032 - Presentation and project folder transparent
9700-00032 - Presentation and project folder Detail
9700-00032 - Presentation and project folder incl business card slots
9700-00032 - Presentation and project folder filled
9700-00032 - Presentation and project folder open transparent

Robust presentation and project folder with side flaps and two additional inside pockets on the front and back. Use the additional inside pockets to conveniently insert title pages for the front and back. Documents cannot fall out thanks to the unique closure that holds the bottom and side flaps together. The project folder can also be used for DIN A 3 documents.

• With 2 inside pockets

• Made of rigid PP foil 0,30 mm thick

• Semi-transparent material

• Indelible

• With two side-pockets

• Incl. business card slots

• Format: DIN A4

• Color: Transparent

• PU: 30 pcs

• Download data sheet → 9700-00032_en_EICHNER_Presentation_and_project_folder.pdf

9700-00032 4052301006812

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