Weatherproof PP goods tags

9219-00769 - Goods tag overview frontside
9219-00769 - Goods tag Gesperrt red
9219-00770 - Goods tag Muster blue
9219-00771 - Goods tag Nacharbeit yellow
9219-00772 - Goods tag Freigabe green
9219-00773 - Goods tag Geprueft green
9219-00769 - Goods tag overview backside

Can be used anywhere, where there is enough space for labelling. Extensive information can be attached directly to objects. Useable for logistics labelling everywhere - regardless of inward goods, outward goods, storage or production.

• Made of weatherproof PP foil

• for use inside and outside

• quick to attach thanks to the pre-cut holes

• can be inscribed with any ballpoint pen, available either with or without print

• PU: 1 pack of 100 pcs

• Download data sheet → 9219-00769_en_EICHNER_Weatherproof_PP_goods_tags.pdf

Item Printing Color GTIN
9219-00769 Gesperrt Red 4052301028425
9219-00770 Muster Blue 4052301028487
9219-00771 Nacharbeit Yellow 4052301029040
9219-00772 Freigabe Green 4052301028449
9219-00773 Geprüft Green 4052301028463

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